  • industries independently managed by robots are not a distant dream anymore. amphenol as a global industrial leader targets a step ahead by meeting future manufacturing requirements like the industrial internet of things (iiot). we offer a varied range of,
  • industrial ethernet switches are rugged and reliable solutions for interconnecting network equipment in extreme industrial environments such as manufacturing, food processing or storage. there are also advanced smart grid ethernet switches available that
  • power supply units source the power requirements in meeting the ever-increasing demands of industrial automation. amphenol offers high power, high current connectors that enhance the performance and durability of various power supply units from electronic
  • iot or internet of things is a portal of internetworked physical devices, sensor nodes, computers, and software enabling everyday smart life and smarter decision making. constantly online, these devices promote flawless personal as well as automated machi
  • conventionally, bbus (baseband unit) used to be inside base station cabinets at the bottom of a mobile tower. with 5g networking, these bbus are centralized with a single bbu unit now catering to multiple networking towers making the system less complex a
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