突发!日本一家半导体工厂突发大火停产... Outbreak! A burst fire at a semiconductor factory in Japan...
国际电子商情获悉,日本一家半导体大厂一处厂房20日下午4点45分左右发生火警。由于消防员靠近火场时发生不良反应,当日灭火工作中断,21日继续进行。隔天,当事厂商发出公告称,截至21日晚9点半,主要负责制造lsi(大规模集成电路)的厂因火灾而停产,且由于消防部门仍在进行灭火工作,因此起火原因、受灾程度以及对业绩的影响有待进一步确认... 综合日本共同社、时事通讯社报道,20日下午4点45分左右,旭化成旗下集团公司从事半导体制造的旭化成微电子株式会社延冈制造所的一处工厂发生了火灾。 报道称,火势持续一天多,但截至21日下午9点半,火势还没有完全扑灭,消防部门仍在进行灭火工作。所幸发现火情及时,所有当时在工厂工作的400多名工人已经被紧急疏散至安全位置避难,此次火灾没有造成人员伤亡。 对于大火迟迟没扑灭的原因,当地消防部门解释是由于20日灭火过程中,发现队员准备靠近4楼起火点时,接触烟雾皮肤受到刺激,猜测起火点可能存在危险易燃物品,所以在暂时停止了灭火活动。不过,旭化成方面强调,起火工厂为ic制造工厂,没有对人体有害的危险物品。 据了解,该工厂主要负责生产大规模集成电路。日媒指出,这是旭化成唯一生产lsi的工厂,不过部分需求也有委外代工。 国际电子商情查询得知,旭化成昨日(21)日晚间也通报了火灾情况,并在公告指出,旗下子公司负责制造lsi的工厂因火灾停产。 旭化成指出,目前工厂起火原因仍在调查中,受灾情况也有待进一步统计,尚不清楚此次火灾 对后续供应方面和业绩的影响。
International e-commerce information, A large semiconductor factory in Japan a factory 20 pm around 4:45 fire. Because of the fireman's side effects, Fire fighting was interrupted, This will continue on the 21st. The next day, The manufacturer issued a notice stating that, As of 9:30 on the 21st night, Factory mainly responsible for manufacturing lsi( large-scale integrated circuits) stopped production due to fire, And because the fire department is still fighting, Therefore, the cause of the fire, the extent of the disaster and the impact on performance need to be further confirmed..., 20th around 4:45 p. M., A fire broke out at a factory in Yangangang, a microelectronics company that works in semiconductor manufacturing. Reported that, The fire lasted more than a day, But as of 9:30 on the 21st, The fire has not been completely extinguished, The fire department is still carrying out fire fighting. Fortunately, the fire was in time, All 400 workers who were working at the factory were evacuated to safety, The fire did not cause casualties. For the reason that the fire wasn't put out, The local fire department explained that the 20 th fire fighting process, When we found out the crew was getting close to the fourth floor fire, Exposure to smoke, skin irritation, Speculation that dangerous flammable substances may exist at the point of fire, So the fire fighting was suspended. But, uh, Asahi into an emphasis, Fireworks are ic factories, There are no dangerous goods harmful to human body. It is understood that, The factory is mainly responsible for the production of large-scale integrated circuits. The Japanese media pointed out that, Asahi became the only lsi factory, However, part of the demand is also outside the contract. International e-commerce inquiries know, The fire was reported yesterday (21) evening, And in the announcement, A subsidiary of the company is responsible for the production of lsi plants due to fire shutdown. Xu Huacheng pointed out that the cause of the plant fire is still under investigation, the disaster situation needs further statistics, it is not clear about the impact of the fire on subsequent supply and performance.