  • wireless ev charging systems situated underground can charge the ev parked above through induction technology. amphenol promises sealed high power solutions with ip67 specifications that are custom designed for the charger cabinets often prone to harshest
  • a broad array of innovative technology and solutions to support the growth in the automotive industry, particularly in plating, signal integrity performance, and power management. as automobiles become more adas rich and head towards being a total autonom
  • the battery is considered as the strategic component of any electric vehicle. all electric vehicles (evs) are equipped with a battery management system (bms) that intelligently controls the battery charge and protects it from operations beyond the safe li
  • a power tool eases manual efforts offering the utmost convenience and flexibility. these medium to light weight equipment are easy to handle and are efficient in performance. amphenol provides a choice of connectors to charge up battery-operated cordless
  • modern computing is introducing consumers to the world of novel and inventive technologies. today's users demand lighter, faster and higher quality machines with enhanced processing power. it is this demand for smaller and sleeker devices that drive the e
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