DEV Board 开发板
  • FMC标准夹层卡 FMC-HPC接口; 信号位置: FMC LA & HA & DP0-DP1 ; 两路独立SFP+光接口; 板载高精度差分时钟源; 两路千兆收发器接口(赛普拉斯CYP15G PHY)FMC standard sandwich card FMC-HPC interface; signal location: FMC LA &HA &DP0-DP1; two independent optical interface; board high precision differential cl
  • 全可编程器件快速构建了zynq cpci高性能计算板卡,第一时间交付客户进行应用开发;并全方位配合用户进行整机系统联调测试,确保用户项目开发工作的顺利进行。 All programmable devices quickly build zynq cpci high performance computing board, the first time to deliver customers for application development, and all-round cooperation
  • vpx总线是vme技术的自然进化,它采用高速串行总线替代并行总线是其的最主要变化。vpx采用rapidio和advanced switching interconnect等现代的工业标准的串行交换结构,来支持更高的背板带宽。我司完全根据客户的需求提供系统软硬件开发,背板设计,系统机箱以及散热设计。 vpx bus is the natural evolution of vme technology. It uses high speed serial bus instead of parallel
  • Full programmable development board. The platform is equipped with 28 nm process ZYNQ-7000 full programmable series FPGA devices, which have ARM-CortexA9 dual hard core, rich logic and computing resources. FACE-Z7 platform is equipped with Gigabit Etherne
  • 平台搭载28nm工艺下性能最高的Virtex7系列FPGA器件,该器件具备丰富的逻辑资源与计算资源。 FACE-V7平台搭载SFP+、FMC、CAN、CameraLink等丰富的外设与接口,可充分满足相关应用领域的高性能算法开发于部署的需求。The platform is equipped with 28 nm of Virtex7 series FPGA devices with the highest performance under the process. The device has abu
  • Virtex UltraScale+系列主器件以及ZYNQ 7020模组。XCVU13P主器件具有极其丰富的FPGA可编程逻辑资源,提供了强悍的算法原型验证能力。同时平台板载的ZYNQ 7020器件可用于系统管理并增强系统的灵活性。该平台提供有丰富计算资源的同时还具备有非常丰富的外设接口:SFP+、QSFP、IPASS PCIe、FMC等;非常适用于ASIC原型验证、高性能计算系统原型开发等场景
  • zynq ultrascale devices with 16 nm process. where zu devices are embedded with quad-core arm-cortexa53 hardcore, binuclear arm-cortexr5 hardcore, mali400gpu and abundant fpga programmable logic resources. at the same time, the board contains a zynq 7015 d
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